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X-Socks outdoor clothing

X-Socks socks for trail running and bike racing can be found here! X-Socks Logo

Do you expect top performance from the products you buy?
X socks too. And that is also the direct reason that we never compromise, at any stage of production. Where conventional brands work with cheap production somewhere in Asia, X-Socks relies on European tradition. X-Socks products of unparalleled quality are made in Northern Italy, where the art of making yarns and textiles has been unsurpassed for generations.

Information about X-Socks socks for trail running and bike racing can be found here!

X-Socks Logo

To discover the future, you have to cross borders.
When we still needed a 'starter crank' to start our car, athletes wore cotton. Today we drive hybrid cars and use recuperation, ABS and ESP. And we ask ourselves the following question: can functional clothing for athletes be as innovative, efficient and progressive as the automotive industry, aerospace engineering and modern medicine?

Yes, that's possible. If you start to think completely different about how you deal with functional clothing, how it should work, and what it should do. And with this thought in mind, Prof. dr. Lambertz, founded the X-Technology ThinkTank. Source of all X-Socks innovations. The ThinkTank brings together the best engineers, scientists and textile experts, together with leading athletes and together they are encouraged to be creative beyond the known boundaries: Think Out of the Box!

German technology is appreciated worldwide. The Swiss precision is unbeatable. And the quality of traditional Italian textile factories is legendary. For years, all of these qualities have been fantastic individually. Now they are merged in the perfect symbiosis of X-Socks.

You are driving a car with advanced technology today. You cook, work and call with modern technology. With X-Socks you can now wear it too.

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